Risk Management

Keeping the protocol secure is all about managing risk. To accomplish this, Bitlend will incorporate three “risk management” groups to steward various parts of the protocol. These groups are:

Protocol Risk management - this group is comprised of three admins and a guardian who watch over governance proposals, coordination, token whitelisting, market factors, and price oracles.

Protocol Risk Management Multisig (3/4): 0xa810074d71efb0fd727eeffe0d4570353a695dc0

Market Risk Management - consists of both technical and economic risk managers in a multisig. This group must sign off on protocol risk team changes to market parameters, and are responsible for monitoring utilization rates and macro conditions.

Market Risk Management Multisig (3/4): 0x2595a0Ad6D36F9fAab4eF9295f0326e1d850490C

Watchdog Team - is a monitor for emergencies that could lead to loss of funds for Bitlend and its users. The watchdog team retains authority as a last resort when all other systems have failed. They have the ability to pause markets if the right conditions are met.

WatchDog Multisig (1/5): 0xC48acd0aC3e4F595704C0E4dbBB3aec810284A17

Last updated